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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tour de france - Lance armstrong

Lance Armstrong has become a brand via Tour de france, something about the name as well i suppose.

I mean there are names which are capable of taking popularity and having a recollection factor associated with it.Which fuels their popularity and their iconic quotient increases.

Lance Armstrong is one such to me, this 7 time Tour de france winner was beaten by a few others but they are unknown and the popularity factor of  beating a unbeatable Lance armstrong who had won 7 Tour de france title did not do them good.

Lance Armstrong and his books are also popular, something about the titles too, "Its not about the Bike" etc which are about marking attention and having engagement from a statement.If you thought that the above statement was a over rated statement.I remember seeing this book in a store and it just registered into my mind and it is still photographic memory of that book in white background with the writing  "Its not about the Bike" Lance Armstrong and till date i did not get an opportunity to read it but when i recall that it suggest me that it may contain suggestion by Lance that it is about the endurance or ............  not about the gears on the bike and ......

Now it appears that Lance Armstrong should win the Tour de france if Tour de france  needs popularity like the 1.5 billion hits on the Fifa worldcup fanclub.

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