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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Iphone 4 - when people fail to make a choice.

This is a very good video with a lot of slang, very satirical about the demand for Iphone 4 and it exposes the illogical decisions of buyers.

When someone offers something better it should be accepted else competition would not flourish and there wouldn't be improvements in the market.

Apple has finally accepted that IPHONE 4 is not perfect and talks about improving it and and has offered a rubber case which could perhaps help with the reception issue.This was reported in BBC.

Yet as seen in the video above more than 50% of the people are still happy with it.Iphone thus has a loyal band of customers who are not willing to leave Iphone for alternates.This  is impressive about Iphone, even android has not earned this reputation.

When its Apple there has always been a huge loyal fans from Mac, Imac, Ipod, even though they were highly proprietary with the technology rather closed source.

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