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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Guidelines to commenting on blogs.

I had to take the position of a referee in a comment bashing on a blog between two bloggers whom i mentor on blogging.One happened to be Arjun Chauhan the author of the blog while the other was Vinayak Nagari another  young blogger and both of them happened to be school mates infact.Sometimes each of them want to out do the other and to me both are equally important or as elders say left eye and right eye are equal to me.Vinayak has been blogging for years and he is famed as a young blogger for sometime, while i have seen Arjun in the circuit of blogging for less than a year and he somehow manages to bring in traffic to his website.Both of them run contests on their blog and i am often invited to participate in them and sometimes they give me clue's  and often i am invited to read and comment, I do often read their blogs and comment if i could give any meaningful comments and promote them.

Here is the scene of tragedy
  Arjun blogged about a website by name Lockerz and finally questioned if it is a scam, he has his reasons for it as he had spent some time and effort to grab a few prizes as offered by the website.But either due to some error or due to callousness of the website authorities, who don't know the value of these young bloggers and their popularity did not send the gift to Arjun Chauhan.I would like to email to Lockerz and inform about the corrosion of goodwill by not sending Arun his Gift.Maybe Lockerz ought to hire me for their PR management :)

  This infuriated Vinayak who had received the T-shirts and unlike the several who received the T-shirts he defended Lockers in his comment and went ahead against Arjun, Arjun retaliated and during the scene i got in to broker peace amongst them maybe it subsided but Vinayak held the opinion that a blogger should be prepared for criticism or appreciation.

Which forced me to Draw my guidelines on commenting on blogs.
1)Respect the blogger and be assertive than thrash him in a comment.
2)Give meaningful comments as these comments should be worthwhile for a reader to read and depending on the quality of your comment you may get visits to your profile and blogs.
3)Support the blogger but not to the extent of fooling yourself.

When i start my promotional campaigns i would ensure that Arjun Chauhan gets his gifts else he will crucify me online and also ensure that Vinayak gets it as he will defend for me.


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