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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Commenting on Blogs is tactic to improve traffic.

Commenting on a blog was considered as a method to get traffic for your blogs.

This is how it works when you comment on a blog the owner of the blog often visits your profile and perhaps your blog as well.In some cases emails you as well.This depends on the blog as sometimes the blog owner may not do anything at all as he might be lost in his awesomeness.If he is a Big B you can celebrate if you get a reply.

Pinging people on line and begging for comments is a dirty job,The is no loss of dignity in visiting a blog and writing a quality comment in it which would invite the blog owner and readers to visit your profile and beyond.

This has been working for many and they have been adopting this as a means to promote themselves.

When there is a treasure somewhere there are teams hunting for it,there are people out there who want to earn this the easier way, but spamming the blogs with it.

My wordpress blog had 50 spam comments with interesting commenting but not suitable to the topic and it was marked spam by default.

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