There has been several people who are fooled about making money from the internet.Sometime back there has been a scam, in which people were asked to buy accounts to do data entry work which was glorified as BPO and a tinge of network marketing and QA was added to it with some terms and conditions with which the scamsters could get away.Scores of people who did not have jobs or something reliable jumped into it with hope but ended up loosing a lot,it simply gave nothing but took away what ever they could gather from it.
Today its back again through different forms and sooner or later they demand registration fees, or account fees or something else by which they make the loot and assure you. Assurance is only to wait and to wait.Online advertising related is the new trick and here they don't ask for money but do not deliver you the money they offered you, They have payouts at certain amounts like $250 rarely $100 commonly, $20 getting popular these days as people give up hope of high amounts as they have begun to realize how far these are.
Many people have learn to understand online fraud, or this so called making money from internet fraud and they shun away.There are too many names in this business but some are linked back to the main and it appears that they were using a trick to get cheap traffic.For example Kontera pop up ads in which popularly appears and it goes to its webpage where most popular Online advertiser adsense appears thus he may make better profits from the traffic it got through the ads it posted on your web content.
This is proved by the fact that kontera shows the ads of, and a few other sites which are similar to this.
1 comment:
Thanks Hyder for this info..
actually i find this very close to me. But google adsense account is not so easy to get approved. you are right i got scammed three times before. but i am still hopping :), may be for nothing.
anyways nice info.
Ashi :)
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