GAN - Google affiliate Network is already in operation and the assumption that affiliate network marketing may not hold good anymore.Another way of Online advertising.
Adsense and its cost per impression or cost per click was assumed to be the best way to market and also considered to be the best for a publisher in Online advertising.Adsense dominates the Internet marketing world and the aggressive acquisition of google makes them the powerful in advertising on web contents with options for content,search,RSS,domains,mobile content, and now Affiliate networks also in it.
But always affiliate marketing stood out as a high return unit on the online property.Concerns that there are various other activities which fall short of a sale but beneficial to the advertiser has been sorted in some cases as they have also started to pay for leads.This is a good thing for Online advertising or Internet advertising in which reducing the cost to advertiser is considered a key factor.
I do hope that it will be easier to get an account on Google affiliate network than Adsense.I do also hope there would be no account ban, as an adsense account can be banned for multiple reasons which includes paid traffic and these days paid traffic comes in disguising forms with free offers which people accept to get a warning message. I hope it is only warning messages and not account ban.Let them cross check these and default payment when fraud and flaw is present in the activity.
This is primarily due to the quality of the traffic which visits and it is also about maturity of the visitor to make an online purchase.
My proposal to Online monetization program from Google should involve the following.
CPM for the page which should workout anything between $1-$4 for 1000 impressions with
CPC for the click to be in the range of $.1 - $2 at the least although there are instance where there have paid $6.xx to me and i have heard that it has even gone upto $20 for A CLICK.
If the click turn into a Lead it should call for something better instead of the CPC or it is the other stage of a CPC which has higher return.
If the click turns into a sale it call for a commission.
So it shall be a CPM + CPC in which the CPC can be the present cpc or elevated to LEAD or which meets the goal to a Sale.
This would ensure the publisher his worth and not let advertiser get something from CPM and walk away without paying.CPC converted into click,lead and sale ensure the advertiser that he is not over billed and also ensured the publisher that he gets what he deserves.
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