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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Arundhati Roy - Interview for Fault Lines

Here is a 22 Mins Interview with Arundhati Roy by Avi Lewis.

She talks on areas where other may not have thought about, or what others would not dare to.
About the maoist attack she defends by saying
  " What do you do when 1000 policemen surround you in a forest ? do you go on a hunger strike ?"
when the interviewer asks " This is the country which gave the world Gandhian Ethos " and she interrupts to say "Gandhian ethos is a very frightening ethos in the forest, Gandhian ethos requires a Audience its performance ethos that require an audience".

How do hungry people go on a hunger strike, how do people who have no money not pay the taxes or civil disobediance, No one care, No one is watching.

Interview asks  "do you see anything Parallel in Taliban ?"
Ms Roy answers " if you look at that part of Asia from Afghanistan to Waziristan to Northwest frontier provinces to North eastern states of  India .... this entire red corridors they are tribal areas ... its tribal uprising
ofcourse in afghanistan it takes the ugly radical islam,here it is extreme left uprising. But the attack is corporate attack.

Level of thinking is different.

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