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Friday, June 11, 2010

Motor Cycle Diaries

A short film on Ernesto Cheguevera a.k.a Che Guevara.

I waited all through out the moved as to how he would be transformed to the revolutionary, there are just a few scenes in it which sparks inspiration for a revolution. But somewhere in it he talks about revolution with guns when his friend talks about marrying and INCA and so on.

That movie goes like that of the story of the boy next door,it certainly was inspiring when he and his friend gave off their bike and started to walk.

Despite the might of CIA and the unified capital suppression he has become immortal, even now he is the inspiration symbol for youth che guevera lives even today. There are umpteen number of T-shirt models , one that caught my attention was with the wordings "if you stand against injustice then you are my comrade".

My previous post was on the interview of Arundhati Roy in Fault Lines, Somebody whose speeches, writings and interview have been equally revolting.May be she is his successor.

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