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Friday, May 14, 2010

Road Ahead.

Road Ahead was written by ?

No prizes for guessing it right, if you guessed it wrong nothing great about it.
It was a good book in which Bill gates spoke about the future of technology, for us here in India at that time when the IT boom was happening it was an Inspiration to read and a motivation to start an entrepreneurial venture.

Past two weeks i was dragged into supervising the contract works of  roads undertaken by my dad.It was interesting but it was sunny and the spirit of a marathoner trying to keep pace with the laborers did not always find it interesting, but there were a few things which i felt worth taking as a corrective measure.
But there are a lot of things which can't be changed and it is better to be left as it is and to go along the current rather than to revolutionize it. It begins with how you deal with the laborers, let me reminding  myself not to write anything like cattle class here to be judged by critics and anything similar who are willing to argue for them but do nothing for them.In simpler words don't think about increasing their wages or working condition it often boomeranged, experienced in this business tells me so.They have no conscience for you when it is time they think nothing about you regarding the completion of  work , what about the time spent in fuming or wasted otherwise.They just walk away.

However taking into consideration about the benefits in this field of work it is worth considering,but profits are not earned but they are snatched.Bribing is the key to success.But this area of work could earn you money and lot of free time.

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